At 14
Allan KA9EFD Alternate NCS

Now last Year at 60
My name is Allan Lloyd. I was born in October 1963. At birth, I had many medical problems. So many, in fact, the doctors told my parents I would never be able to walk or talk. I would also be deaf. The doctor further said my parents would be better off giving me to the state, letting them take me for the rest of my life. Have another child to take my place. Thankfully, that never happened. Determined parents and many doctors’ appointments have brought me to where I am today. 

Growing up, I remember lunches at grandma and grandpas after church on Sundays. In the corner of the kitchen was a desk and stuff I didn’t understand. After lunch, I remember my grandpa talking with someone who wasn’t in the room, but I could hear his voice. My grandpa was a Ham operator, K9SNQ. When I asked him about this, grandpa took down a map and showed me where his friend was located. In this case he was the radio operator on a freighter in the Atlantic Ocean. Grandpa died in 1970 when I was 6 years old. I still remembered the radios and the fun he had with them. A few years later, my dad put a CB radio at our house and rekindled the bug. I ended up at the local Radio Shack one day and bought their study guide for the novice license. With the help of a friend of my grandpa’s, I was able to take the test in December of 1977. In February 1978 I received the test results and my call sign, KA9EFD. I was loaned a low band receiver so I could listen but wanted to get on the air.
That summer I mowed a lot of lawns to purchase my first rig, a Yaesu FT-101E. It still holds a place in my shack and is still considered a great radio. I used my dad’s CB ground plane antenna and worked the world on 10-meter CW. A few trips to the FCC office in Chicago. I tested for the Techician, Tech Plus, General and Advanced. 10 Meters was very active, so I spent most of my time there. After the code requirement went away, a friend of mine convinced me to study for the Extra class license. I passed it at a session he had in Michigan.
I have enjoyed the hobby for many years. When my wife passed away, I had to put the radios aside for a time. A while later I married Michele. We have been married since January 1, 2011. We have 5 children and 5 grandchildren. Another will arrive in December 2024. 4 sons, 1 daughter, 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters.
One of my children, Kurtis, is a licensed general class ham as well. I hope to have him join us on the air sometime soon. If you should hear KC9HWN on the air, please welcome him to the group.
I enjoy running nets and participating in a rag chew on the air. Currently I run a Yaesu FT-990 with a Heath kit SA-2060A antenna tuner. Antenna is an EFHW up about 40’. Through the generosity of a friend, I have some COLLINS gear to work through and get on the air. I also still have the YAESU FT-101E. A little work and that should be up and running as well
For 25 plus years I ran my own roofing and remodeling company. When the economy took a downturn, I started driving a semi. Today, I still will build decks and fences as well as my driving. This time of year, my weeks could be 90-100 hours long. Yes, I do like to keep busy.
I always say “I’m a ham radio operator and I like to talk. Look forward to saying hi so please give me a call if you hear me.
73 to all
Allan Lloyd KA9EFD

New Grandson Eli, born at 20:22 on 12/072024 came in at 7lps 14 oz and 19 3/4 inches long