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- Welcome to the Moonlighters Net
A place to meet the friendliest amateur radio operators on the face of the earth.
Welcome Moonies
Yea, this is the greatest amateur radio rag chew net on the planet earth or we like to believe so.
We’ve been called Moonlighters, Moonies, Moonshiners and a few other things in the past by check-ins, but we are officially the Moonlighters and proud of it.
Once you check in your a Moonlighter for life, completely free of charge but if you would like to help out by logging, becoming a net control or contributing $$ to help keep this web site going, it is greatly appreciated.
The net is currently on 7.272 at 23:30Z Monday, & Tuesday starts at 23:00Z Note, Tuedays Net has a hard stop time of 01:30Z as another net would like to start at that time, an informal on Wednesday, 23:30 Thursday , Friday, and Saturday the vintage net run by Jon K1BCR 23:00 please check netlogger also check Vintage Net Results. The last few days Foreign broadcast has been causing problems around 01:00Z so nets maybe ending near that time.
The net is controlled by a bunch of great hams that volunteer their time to do so. BEST TO CHECK OPERATIONAL TIME USING “NET LOGGER” plus you will be logged in automatically to the net and won’t have to wait for the Net Control to call for RF check-ins.
The net can be accessed by the use of Net Logger software, available on line for download here Netlogger.org at no cost but a donation to the creators would be great too.
Follow us on FaceBook, Mark WA1NIP does a wonderful job there.
Moonlighters Net 7.272 FaceBook
Hope to be hearing from you soon.
Here is a small sample of what the net sounds like.